What Are The Risk Factors For Western Midstream Partners LP (WES)?

As of Friday close, Western Midstream Partners LP’s (NYSE:WES) stock was up $0.09, moving up 0.34 percent to $26.72. The average number of shares traded per day over the past five days has been 3,488,260 shares. 4 times new highs have been achieved over the past 5 days, with a $0.73 gain in that time […]
Western Midstream Partners LP (WES) 10% Owner Holds 185.18 million Worth Of Stock
The stock of Western Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:WES) increased by $0.46 on Tuesday to finish at $26.60, up 1.76 percent. The last five days have seen an average of 1,687,340 shares of common stock traded. 7 times new highs were reached in the current year, with a fall of -$0.25. The average number of shares […]
Last Week, Western Midstream Partners LP (WES) Recorded A Gain Of $50.68
As of Friday close, Western Midstream Partners LP’s (NYSE:WES) stock was up $0.41, moving up 1.52 percent to $27.36. The average number of shares traded per day over the past five days has been 1,034,880 shares. 1 time new highs have been achieved over the past 5 days, with a -$0.73 fall in that time […]
How Western Midstream Partners LP (WES) Works From A Technical Perspective
Western Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:WES) finished Wednesday with a subtraction of -$0.6 to close at $27.38, a downside of -2.14 percent. An average of 1,403,800 shares of common stock have been traded in the last five days. There was a fall of -$0.54 in the past week, and it reached a new high 6 times […]