You Should Know These Things About Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL)

As of Friday close, Hormel Foods Corporation’s (NYSE:HRL) stock was down -$0.42, moving down -1.07 percent to $38.91. The average number of shares traded per day over the past five days has been 2,104,980 shares. 4 times new highs have been achieved over the past 5 days, with a $0.67 gain in that time frame. […]

Keep An Eye On Hormel Foods Corporation’s Insider Activity (HRL)

The stock of Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL) increased by $0.07 on Tuesday to finish at $39.81, up 0.18 percent. The last five days have seen an average of 1,661,940 shares of common stock traded. 3 times new highs were reached in the current year, with a fall of -$5.74. The average number of shares traded […]

What Technical Indicators Show About Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL)?

Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL) finished Friday with an addition of $0.46 to close at $39.38, an upside of 1.18 percent. An average of 1,848,040 shares of common stock have been traded in the last five days. There was a gain of $0.09 in the past week, and it reached a new high 1 time over […]

Ourada Mark J Acquires Hormel Foods Corporation (HRL) Shares

Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL) finished Wednesday with an addition of $0.57 to close at $40.71, an upside of 1.42 percent. An average of 1,408,340 shares of common stock have been traded in the last five days. There was a fall of -$0.68 in the past week, and it reached a new high 10 times over […]