What Led The SAI.TECH Global (SAI) Stock To Increase In After-Hours Trades?

Tuesday’s after-hours trading saw shares of SAI.TECH Global Corporation (Nasdaq: SAI) rise 7.87% to $3.84 after the company won an award at a significant event.

What honor has SAI received?

The “Clean Energy Development Award” was given to SAI.TECH Global (SAI), which this month also announced its attendance at the 6th CGCC (China General Chamber of Commerce Chicago) Annual Gala 2022 on December 8 in Chicago. The topic of the CGCC Chicago’s 6th Annual Gala in 2022, “Reopen for Our Future,” was inspired by the high need for business analytics and solutions to address the current generation of global difficulties brought on by the relaxation of COVID restrictions.

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By bringing together corporate leaders from many industries for in-depth conversation, idea exchange, and networking to gather knowledge and grasp possibilities for an optimistic and brighter international commercial climate, this event sought to link local and larger international communities. There is a huge market demand to go toward carbon neutrality because of the Inflation Reduction Act and also the drive for renewable energy in both the US and China.

A panel discussion titled “Clean Energy and Climate Change Panel” was presented at the CGCC Chicago 2022 Annual Gala to inform attendees about the sector and discuss ways that the US and China might work together to create or convert to a future of clean energy. Suwan Long, the ESG Director of SAI.TECH was requested to participate as a panelist in this debate to inform the audience about SAI.TECH’s decarbonization plan involves the use of proprietary waste heat recovery technology and clean energy generation.

SAI.TECH received the “Clean Energy Development Award” following the conclusion of the Clean Energy and Climate Change Panel. This honor is given to the business that pays close attention to the creation and use of clean energy, consistently maintains a competitive edge, consistently increases market share and profits, continues to turn a profit and increases the size of the business, and steers the development of the same sector while pursuing its own growth.

SAI stood tall, how?

SAI.TECH has stayed devoted to addressing the issue of rising computing energy prices since its founding in 2019. The bitcoin mining industry consumes a great deal of energy and emits a lot of greenhouse gases. However, SAI.TECH Global (SAI) also released its ESG report first in the whole sector, demonstrating its commitment to becoming the most power-efficient corporation engaged in the mining of digital assets.

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